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pro uživatele a žadatele o jejich ověření v době a po skončení nouzového stavu vyhlášeného v ČR v důsledku šíření nemoci COVID-19 
Published 30. 11. 2020

CMI has entered the final phase of its preparations for conformity assessment  of medical devices under the new EU Regulation MDR.  The CMI application to become a Notified Body for the EU Regulation MDR will be submitted still by the end of 2020  with the scope of MD codes given here.

Published 28. 11. 2020

Recently,  the CMI scope has been extended by adding fuel dispensers,  AWIs and gasmeters to Scheme A - see By the end of the year steps will be taken to add level gauges (OIML R 85) and compressed gaseous fuel systems (OIML R 139 - CNG, hydrogen).    

Published 27. 05. 2020


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