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Certification of reference materials

The CMI provides the certification of reference materials (RM) in accordance with § 8 Act No. 505/1990 of statute book, about metrology, as amended and the relevant decree of Ministry of industry and trade through the Certification body for certification of reference materials (CORM).

The CORM is performed its activities with the participation of team of experts who forms a permanent advisory body (The commission for RM). The experts’ team assess individual projects of certification of reference materials.

The activities of CORM are governed according to internal regulation of CMI numbered 017-MP-C001.

The CORM organization structure and the scope of function are described in the CMI document numbered 017-PJ-C001.

The Czech metrology institute has implemented the system of quality management according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO Guide 34.

The certification of reference materials is governed by the following documents of Committee for reference materials at ISO, ISO/REMCO:

  • ISO Guide 30: 1992 (Amd. 1:2008): Terms and definitions used in connection with reference materials
  • ISO Guide 31: 2000:  Reference materials - Contents of certificates and labels
  • ISO Guide 33: 2000: Uses of certified reference materials
  • ISO Guide 34: 2009: General requirements for the competence of reference materials producers 
  • ISO Guide 35: 2006: Reference materials - General and statistical principles for certification

The list of Czech certified reference materials (CRM) certified by CORM

List of foreign CRM producer

Data on a database of reference materials COMAR 

For further information please contact:

Certification body for certification of reference materilas (CORM) - RNDr. Pavel Klenovský,

Secretary of department: Mgr. Matilda Roziková, Ph.D.,