ČMI pořádá 31.března až 2.dubna 2015 v Mikulově čtvrtý ročník semináře věnovaného problematice měření teploty a vlhkosti v průmyslu a v kalibračních laboratořích.
Contact for information: tel.: +420 734 521 365 | email: marketing@cmi.gov.cz
On January 24th CMI luanched this new internet site - the original one will still be accessible for a limited amount of time (1 month at minimum) at http://www.old-cmi.gov.cz/.
On January 24th, 2015 new internet pages of CMI have been launched. The following objectives have been pursued in thier preparation: not only to satisfy current customers and metrological experts but to make the information available in an acceptable form to general public and ...
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