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Unit of Quantum Metrology of Length
8014 - oddělení kvantové metrologie délky
V Botanice 1504/4, 150 72 Praha - Smíchov
Vnitřní organizační jednotka
Head of Department
Obory kalibrací
Kalibrované přístroje
- stabilizované lasery podle doporučení mise en pratique
- other stabilized lasers
- laser interferometer system
- laser interferometers
- length bar (long gauge block)
- 1-D grating
- length bar (long gauge block)
- precision line scales
Další služby
- measurement of optical diffraction grating intervals (Methodology 814-MP-C408)
- calibration of wavemeters and (optical) spectrum analysers - wavelength scales
- calibration of precision position and displacement sensors (inclinometers, inductive, capacitive, resistive sensors), laser levels, cameras and PSDs
- consultation in the field of precision length measurement, CMC, MRA
- production of reference radiation flux detectors - light trap