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Calibration and measurement capabilities
Primary tabs
kalibrační a měřící schopnosti
(active tab)
Měřený přístroj či zařízení
- Any -
1-D grating
1-D measuring machines
length measuring machine
1D měřicí stroje (délkoměry)
90° steel or granite squares
90° cylinders
AC-DC transfer standard
AC-DC transfer standards
Active or passive loop antenna, reference value for unit: S m-1
acoustical calibrators
Alpha/beta emitting radionuclides
optical spectrum analyser
audiometers - pure tones
automatic pipettes
radiation thermometers
bezdotykový teploměr
breath analyzers
capacitance box
capillary viscometers
time counters
characterization of climatic chambers
digital manometers
road tankers for milk
road tankers for AdBlue
road tankers for LPG
Conductivity meters
current transformer bridge
mechanical manometers
dividing heads and tables
index tables
ball/hole plates
digital converters
digital electrical safety testers
digital recorders
length bar (long gauge block)
electronic counters
electronic levels
Epstein, ring and single sheet sample
roughness standard (eg., ISO 5436-1 Type D)
(groove) depth (step height) standard (eg., ISO 5436-1 Type A)
standard filters
standard luminous sources
standard weights
standards of length
mass standards
etalony optické hustoty
profile standards
BOMAB phantom
Field probe
fixed capacitor
fixed inductor
Fixed resistor
fixed resistor
flow cups
flow part of heat meters
flowmeters tested by water
Flux meter
fused - silica standard capacitor two terminal pair
Gamma emitting radionuclides
signal generators
DC current generators
AC current generators
geometrical standards
geometrical standard type C and D horizontal and measurement products
glass hydrometers
automatic level gauges
sound calibrator
Horn antenna
high temperature standard platinum resistance thermometer (HTSPRT) (long stem)
gauged thermometers including temperature measuring chains, their temperature sensors and the characterization of temperature chambers
inductance box
Inductive voltage divider
infrared radiation thermometer and measuring chains of infrared radiation thermometers
instruments for control the angular separation
other tangible bodies
power calibrators
liquid flow meters
clamp meters
standards of frequency
colorimetric boxes
colorimetric standard
gauge blocks
capacitors for high voltage
gauge block comparators
contact meters for measuring of the end gauges in the vertical position
volume checking alcoholmeters
spheres (balls)
metal standard measures
pendulum hammers
laboratory roughness instruments for geometrical standards
laboratory roughness instruments for adjustment standards
laboratory standard microphones
tungsten lamp, other sources
laser interferometers
LCR meters
length bar (long gauge block)
length bar (long gauge block)
gloss standards
Magnetic flux coil standard
mechanical pulse counters and generators
stopwatches with mechanical start/stop
wavelength meter
revolution counters and generators
measuring chains
humidity measuring chains including humidity sensors
measuring systems for loading and unloading of fuels
instrument voltage transformers
instrument current transformers
test equipment for verification of water flow meters
tape measures
meters and measuring systems for cryogenic liquids on road trucks and trailers
length measuring instruments
energy meters
meters of air content in fresh concrete
meters for delivered amount of liquid
flowmeters for air conditioning
DC current meter
power meters
distance measurement instruments
Contamination monitor
meters for delivered amount of liquid
measurement microphones: type LS1P
Moisture meters of cereals
Moisture meters of oil seeds
Moisture meters of wood
torque wrenches
Gas monitor in nuclear power reactor
multi-parameter analyzers
multifunction calibrators
multifunction transfer standards
Multiport, splitter
Neutron sensitive device
Neutron dosemeter
positive displacement flow meters
positive displacement flow meters for liquid fuels
metal volumetric vessels
glass volumetric vessels
volumetric glassware
volumetric cylinders
resistance bridges
resistance thermometers
optical densitometers
optical polygons
optical radiometers
other stabilized lasers
open samples
rotary tables
otočné stupnice
pasivní zařízení
passive devices 50 Ω
passive/active devices
spacing standard (eg., ISO 5436-1 Type C)
Tin point
pevný bod gallia
Aluminium point
Indium point
Copper point
Mercury point
Silver point
Zinc point
pH meters
phase meter
pickup coil
pickup coils
piston volumetric equipment
pressure balance
Pt thermocouples
platinum resistance thermometer (IPRT)
platinum resistance thermometer (IPRT) with display unit
refilling of LPG containers
gas meters
gas flow meters
displacement actuators
working roughness instruments for geometrical standards
working roughness instruments for adjustment standards
working force measuring devices
gas conversion devices
transport containers and tanks
precision line scales
current transducers
straight edge
profile instruments
extensometers for mechanical testing of materials
flow part of heat meters
flowmeters for liquids other than water
flowmeters tested by water
reference liquids
reference magnets
resistance box
resistance box
electrical safety testers
RF generators
RF voltmeters
Rogowski coils
dew point hygrometer
rotary viscometers
roughness standard (eg., ISO 5436-1 Type D)
surface plate
Single nuclide solution
Search coil
piston/cylinder assembly
road tankers for refueling of aircrafts
road vehicles
force measuring devices
broad band detector
liquid-in-glass thermometers
skleněné teploměry, rozlišení 0,1 °C
skleněné teploměry, rozlišení 1 °C
displacement transducers
pressure measuring sensors and transducers
vibration transducers
acceleration transducers
solid state voltage standard
coordinate measuring machines
coordinate measuring machines (CMM)
related standards
spectrally-neutral material
standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT) (long stem)
stabilizované lasery podle doporučení mise en pratique
static storage tanks
static containers and tanks
standard capacitor
standard cell
DC kilovoltmeters
DC voltmeters
AC ammeters
AC voltmeters
machines for mechanical testing of materials
machines with electronic measuring cubage of beams
Well type ionization chamber used in medicine
step gauges
Dry source Rn-222
luminous sources
switched capacitor
switched capacitor
synthetic natural gas
laser interferometer system
bridges for thermometry
temperature calibrators
resistance thermometers (Ni 100) indicators and simulators
resistance thermometers (Ni 1000) indicators and simulators
resistance thermometers (Pt 100) indicators and simulators
resistance thermometers (Pt 1000) indicators and simulators
resistance thermometers (Pt 200) indicators and simulators
resistance thermometers (Pt 500) indicators and simulators
type A thermocouple indicators and simulators
type B thermocouple indicators and simulators
type E thermocouple indicators and simulators
type Fe-ko thermocouple indicators and simulators
type J thermocouple indicators and simulators
type K thermocouple indicators and simulators
type L thermocouple indicators and simulators
type M thermocouple indicators and simulators
type N thermocouple indicators and simulators
type R thermocouple indicators and simulators
type S thermocouple indicators and simulators
type T thermocouple indicators and simulators
thermocouple with display unit
pure-metal thermocouples: Pt-Au, Pt-Pd
pure-metal thermocouples: Pt-Pd
base metal thermocouples: J, E, K, N
base metal thermocouples: J, K, N
termočlánky z obecných kovů: J, T, E, K, N
termočlánky z obecných kovů: K, N
termočlánky z ušlechtilých kovů: R, S
termočlánky z ušlechtilých kovů: R, S, B
termočlánky z ušlechtilých kovů:R, S, B
thermoelectric thermometers
thermal imagers
THD meters: total harmonic distorsion THD
thermal voltage converter
thermal voltage converter with amplifier
Thermal voltage converter with range extender
thread plugs, plain
three terminal resistor
transconductance amplifier
voltage transformers
current transformers
transmission spectrophotometers
Trojný bod vody
hardness blocks Brinell
hardness blocks Rockwell
hardness blocks Vickers
hardness testers Brinell
hardness testers IRHD
tvrdoměry IRHD H
tvrdoměry IRHD L
tvrdoměry IRHD M
tvrdoměry IRHD N
hardness testers Rockwell
hardness testers Shore
hardness testers Vickers
ball bar
angle protractor converters
angle protractors
angle gauges
torque instruments
and torque systems
UV-A radiometer
Sealed neutron source
Sealed source
automatic weighing instruments
non-automatic weighing instruments
vacuum gauges
variable indoctor
Single nuclide extended area source
hf wattmeters
vibrometers without transducers
Si-Trap Detectors
fibre spectral analyzers
fibre powermeters
external cylinders (plugs, pistons)
indenters Rockwell
indenters Vickers
internal cylinders (rings)
voltage transformer bridge
voltage transformers
glass ware equipment
CNG fuel dispensers
power sensors
power converters
profile measurement products
height measuring instruments
specimen Brinell
specimen Rockwell
specimen Vickers
Waveguide termination
zařízení pro kalibraci momentových klíčů
measuring devices for measurement of torque wrenches
Device for environmental measuremen
special weights
weights of classes E2 (according to OIML R111)
weights of classes F1 (according to OIML R111)
weights of classes F2 (according to OIML R111)
weights of classes M1 (according to OIML R111)
weights of classes M1-2 (according to OIML R111)
weights of classes M2 (according to OIML R111)
weights of classes M2-3 (according to OIML R111)
weights of classes M3 (according to OIML R111)
thread plugs, plain
fibre optic source
zdroj stejnosměrného napětí
sources of optical radiation
AC voltage sources
power sources
testing sieves
sound level meters
Notified Body Services
Other services
Czech national standards
Science and research
National Measurement system
International cooperation
Problem solutions